Written by Anna Bourdess
…keepers at home…
Ladies, we are not called to care for our homes by just washing dishes, scrubbing floors, and dusting furniture. Keepers do not just wash the clothes.
The first real mention in The Bible of the word “keeper” was in reference to keeping sheep.
Keepers not only nurture, they guard, preserve from danger, and keep watch.
We are often the first line of defense for our homes. As our husbands follow The Lord to set the rules and biblical guidelines for our home, it’s up to us while our husbands are providing, to keep watch and enforce the guidelines that have been set.
I could name home after home I know of personally that has been destroyed by wives/mothers who chose not to enforce the biblical guidelines set for their homes by The Lord and their husbands. As soon as their spouse walked out the door they allowed the wolves of compromise to come in and devour their homes freely, without even a fight. Today some sit with ruined lives of their own, failed marriages, and some have even lost their children’s souls, all because they chose to let their flesh set the guidelines instead of following The Lord and their husbands.