Congratulations Mama! So excited for you. The first trimester can be rough for many, especially as a first time mom. So many new things that your body is experiencing- it can be overwhelming! You have totally got this and you are going to be an amazing mom! I hope everything so far is going great for you. Dealing with all the changes that pregnancy brings can be exhausting, hard, and exciting all at the same time.

At the time of writing this I am about thirty-three weeks pregnant with my first. I wanted to write a post on each trimester while it is still fresh on my mind. The difficulties of each stage of pregnancy are very real, especially those first twelve weeks or so. Your body is going through all sorts of changes, your mind is dealing with worries it has never had to deal with before, and the hormones are no joke!
Read my all-natural hospital birth story here!
Maybe you just recently found out that you are expecting or you currently trying to get pregnant. I thought I would make a quick list of what you can expect during these first several weeks. It is very important to remember that every pregnancy is very different. You may deal with all of these, plus some, or you may be fortunate enough to deal with only a few or none of these.
What to Expect During Your First Trimester…
- Morning sickness. This could include nausea, vomiting or both. Also, this is not just confined to the mornings!! “Morning” sickness can happen any time of day and it may not be on a regular schedule each day.
- Crazy moods! Just going to be honest, you are probably going to feel like you are going insane! Your hormones are going through a big shift to support your growing baby. You may feel like crying over the strangest things or find that you get super angry over things that just do not make sense.
- Extreme tiredness. You are going to want lots of naps! Your body is busy making a human, this takes a lot of work!
- Headaches. Due to the shift in hormones a lot of mommas deal with mild to severe headaches during the first trimester.
- Worry/anxiety. Some women deal with extra worry during this point of the pregnancy, especially if this is your first. You are going through a lot of new things and if you do not know what is normal you may be prone to extra worry.
There are many more not so fun things to expect such as aching or tender breasts, skin changes (acne), and brain fog.
With all these crazy, and difficult changes comes an exciting new chapter of your life! While these things are not comfortable there are a few things I found that helped me make it through the first trimester.
Again, each pregnancy is totally different. You may not be dealing with the same things I did. These are just some helpful things I learned along the way by experience and good friends who have been there before.
Tips for the First Trimester
1. Staying hydrated in the First Trimester.
Drink vitamin water to ease sickness and nausea! This is tip came from a good friend and mom of four when I first found out I was expecting. Find a flavor you can enjoy and drink it all day long! The secret ingredient is the vitamin b-12. It works wonders to ease nausea and vomiting. You can take it as a pill but when you drink the vitamin water you are actually helping the symptoms of morning sickness plus staying hydrated which is also important! My friend asked the doctor if it was possible to drink too much vitamin water and her doctor said it was completely safe to drink as much as you want during pregnancy.
2. Just sleep.
If you are like me you feel guilty for napping during the day when there is so much work to do. I totally get it. As a stay at home wife I feel bad when my husband is out working hard all day and I have not accomplished as much as I can here at home, pregnant or not! I am sure it is different for everyone, but I got to the point where I literally could not stay awake. I would fall asleep doing the laundry. There were days I would sit down to take a little break and be out! Jimmy would often come home to find me sleeping and I hated it!
Looking back it was not nearly as big a deal as I was making it in my head. Jimmy was just fine. Our house did not fall apart because a few things were dirty. I was not a bad wife for not getting quite as much done. All that sleep is actually so important! You are growing a baby and that takes a lot out of your body. Sleep also gives you relief from other issues such as headaches, sickness, and dealing with your crazy moods!
Because the baby is taking a lot of nutrients from your body, your immune system is also very compromised during this time. Sleeping can be a great benefit to help your body fight off any sickness. There is nothing wrong with taking a nap, or three!
3. Remind yourself that the first trimester is very temporary.
This was a big one that kept me sane! Twelve weeks may seem like a long time but those weeks do fly by quickly. Whatever discomfort and excitement you are dealing with now will soon be replaced with new discomfort and excitement in the second trimester. Your pregnancy will not last forever, it just feels like it! Try to relax and enjoy each new feeling as it comes.
4. Don’t give in to a complaining spirit.
Personally, this is a big regret I have from the first trimester. I do not think I realized it at the time but I complained a lot! It is easy to do. You are going through a lot of changes, you are tired. After all, you are pregnant! Doesn’t that give you the right to complain? At least a little? It was probably toward the middle of the second trimester before I realized how ungrateful my attitude was. God had just answered a huge prayer!
I have always wanted to be a mom, yet here I was complaining about how hard everything was. I’m not saying I have completely mastered the art of going through pregnancy without voicing my discomfort at times, but it is my goal to go through the rest of this pregnancy without giving in to a whinny attitude and complaining spirit! I think if you can master this during your first trimester you will be much better off.
5. Peppermint.
Peppermint oil helped me do much with nausea in the first trimester! I had major aversions to smells. All smells! Putting some peppermint oil under your nose instantly reliefs nausea caused by the smells during pregnancy. It’s also completely safe for you and baby! Peppermint tea helps ease the nausea on an internal level by gently calming the stomach and easing discomfort.
6. Earthley Feel Better Fast for headaches, colds, and fevers in the first trimester.

One of the hardest things about the first trimester is being sick and having limited sources of relief. At Earthley Wellness you can find dozens of products that are competent safe for your baby AND that work to provide relief. One of my favorite products to keep on hand while pregnant or nursing is Feel Better Fast. It quickly gives relief for headaches, colds, and fevers using the power of herbs and natural medicine! Save 10% off your order using code LITTLEWIFE10. Click here to shop.
7. Eat what you CAN eat.
Now is not the time to be overly concerned with the health foods. If you can eat them that is great! However, if you are trying to be healthy right now but you are just throwing up every meal your body is getting zero nutrition. What I’m saying is- if you can eat the frozen pizza and keep it down, eat the pizza!! I am very conscious of what I eat on a regular basis and super conscious while pregnant. But the first trimester is my exception!
8. Try a high protein diet.
This helped me so much with my second pregnancy! Eat lots and lots of high protein foods. The protein keeps your blood sugar from dropping as quickly and keeps things level. This ultimately results in feeling less sick and more energetic. Sometimes it does not work but it’s worth a shot!
Read here about Why Moms Need More Protein!
9. Ask for help.
Many women suffer through the first trimester without telling anyone because the chance of miscarriage is higher in the early weeks of pregnancy. I am not suggesting you tell everyone, that is your business. Why not tell a few close friends and family members? Now is the time to lean into your support group. You will need them now and in the days to come. Let people be good to you little mama!
10. Don’t stress about all the details.
As soon as the excitement starts to settle after you find out you are pregnant with your first baby your mind begins swirling with all the designs you have to make. It can make you wonder if you are even fit to be a mom! You’ve got this. And you have plenty of time to make all of those decisions. Don’t stress and just relax and enjoy this sweet time. You will never have a first first trimester again, embrace it and enjoy it!
Fun Things to Look Forward to During the First Trimester
The biggest key to making the most out of your first trimester is to get your mind off all the changes and uncomfortable feelings. Instead, try to shift your focus to all the positive things going on! You are a Momma! (I low-key hate it when people say “you are going to be a mom”. Hello! This kid is alive!)
One great thing to focus on if you are still early in the trimester is your first doctor’s appointment and ultrasound. This is so exciting! You get to see your little one and hear their heartbeat. You get to confirm how many are in there- could be more than one! It is overall the most exciting appointment of the pregnancy! Be sure to keep a list of all your questions and concerns. Your doctor can help you hash those out at this appointment so you can rest your mind a little bit more.
Another thing that can help take your mind off the negative is planning on how you will tell others! Some choose to do this early on and others choose to wait. There is no right or wrong way! It is your baby and you get to tell the world whenever you want to! Watching parents and siblings respond to the exciting news can be such a fun experience. Just be ready for the unsolicited advice and some weird comments from people who just do not know what to say.
Overall, just try to keep your mind on the fun things!
Pregnancy can be hard, not going to lie. You are going through a ton of new experiences all at the same time. Your hormones are all whacked up! Things hurt. Your mind is running in a million directions.
Take a deep breath. Your body was made for this! It will be over before you know it. You are, and will be an amazing Mom.
Are you in your first trimester? Got any good tips you have learned? We would love to hear from you in the comments below! Make sure you sign up for our email list so you never miss a post!