Do you desire to create a homestead, be a homemaker, or develop a more natural lifestyle for your family? Do you have specific desires in your homemaking but feel like your current situation doesn’t allow all your dreams?
(uhem, enter apartment life)
Well today’s tip is very simple.
Do what you can where you’re at.
Do you live in an apartment but desire to have a garden? Do what you can where you’re at. If you have one, use your balcony or patio space to grow herbs or small things that are easy to maintain in small spaces. Pick things that you will make use out of and get return for your time. Don’t have that? Use your indoor space and find what things you can grow in that environment.
Maybe you’re renting a home and don’t have your own space where you can make the changes that reflect the desires you have for your home.
Look for ways you can make non-permanent changes that your landlord allows. This can be done through decorations, fresh flowers, candles, peel and stick tiles, wall decals, temporary wallpaper, even lighting. You would be surprised how changing the light bulbs in your home can change the whole atmosphere. I recommend the “daylight” kind.
Read this post on how to make your home beautiful on a budget.
If you own your own space but don’t have the budget to do all you would like then find ways to transform things you already have. You can even check marketplace or online yardsale pages for some cheap items you can redo. When I desire something new that we don’t have the budget for I look around and see what I could sell or trade for those items. If I want new clothes I sell pieces of older clothing that I don’t wear anymore. You can even make things or offer a service to bring in funds for your home projects. Even small earnings add up. Do what you can where you’re at.
The most important thing to remember is don’t get wrapped up in everyone else’s idea of homemaking.
It’s your home, not anyone else’s. You don’t have to follow a certain rule book. You dont have to have chickens, grow your own meat, sew all your clothes by hand, never buy anything store bought, make your own laundry soap, and live on 40 acres of land to be a good homemaker. It doesn’t make you any less if you don’t do ALL “the things”.
Do what makes sense for your family. Pick what your passions are for your home and change one thing at a time. If you try to do it all, it will be stressful and you won’t stick to it. Homemaking is all about making your home a safe and peaceful place, if it’s stressing you out doing it then you’re doing it wrong. Do what you can where you’re at. Don’t get wrapped up in what it feels like everyone else has and become complacent with what you have. Embrace and enjoy each stage of your home and find the joy in the little things you can change each day.
Written by Anna Bourdess