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Packing a hospital bag can be fun and honestly, overwhelming! As your big sisters in all things birth, labor, and baby- Anna and I thought it would be fun to combine our lists of hospital birth must haves. We hope this helps you as you prepare for your little one to arrive earth-side!

Tips for Packing Your Hospital Bag
1. Pack Early
It is recommended to have your bag ready to go by around the 36 week mark, simply because you never know what will happen. As two ladies who did not make it to full term with our babies we highly recommend having that bag packed BY the 36 week mark, if not before. It may be helpful to have a small bag to keep in your car, just for emergency sake.
Pack the bag early. Let people make fun of you, just pack it sooner than you think you need to. Sincerely, someone who went into labor early.
-aka Anna
2. Do not stress.
That being said, if you are approaching the 36 week mark or past it, there is no need to stress! Even if you go into labor early the likelihood that you will still have time to pack your hospital bag is pretty high. Once labor begins, in the early stages it is somewhat nice to have something to occupy your time/mind with.
Even if you have a true emergency and have no time to prepare, this is what family and friends are for! If you find yourself at the hospital with nothing or forget something important, reach out to someone in your support group.
3. Pack ALL the pain management things.
If you are planning on a natural birth experience do not feel bad about bringing anything/everything you think may bring you comfort during labor. You may find that certain things you thought would work for you do not while other things do. If this is your first baby it is likely going to be trial and error. Also, certain points of labor require different measures for pain. This differs for everyone so come prepared.
4. Babies come in all shapes and sizes.
You know this but no baby is the same! And just because the tag says “newborn” does not mean it is going to fit yours. We both would advise you pack 2-3 newborn outfits, and at least one each premie/0-3 month outfit. Even if your baby is measuring small, large, or “normal” size you never truly know until you know.
5. Comfort is key!
The trick to an enjoyable hospital birth experience is making sure you, dad, and baby have everything you need to be as comfortable as possible. This may mean a lot of packing but it is so worth it! If you sleep best with a box fan, bring it! If having your special cozy socks matters, bring them!
6. Let Dad pack the bag.
I have to give all the credit to Anna on this one (or whoever she stole the idea from- THANK YOU!). Since your husband will most likely be the one handing you all the things at the hospital, lay out your things and let him pack the bag. This completely eliminates the need for you to instruct him on where certain things are during labor. Trust me- the last thing you will want to do to your poor husband is get upset when you have to tell him step by step where everything is.
A big tip that I used was let dad pack the hospital bag. You lay out the items you want packed and let him put them in the bag. He is going to be getting the items for you at the hospital and you want him to be able to find everything.
7. Install the carseat BEFORE hand.
This is one of my (Tori) many regrets! Our birth story was kind of a whirlwind and we both definitely were NOT prepared. So the carseat was a very last minute thing! We honestly just threw all the parts in the car and it was up to my wonderful husband to figure it all out the day we left the hospital. It was not that is was a huge inconvenience, just frustrating and totally avoidable. A very kind nurse helped us figure it out, so should you forget or have questions concerning the safety of your carseat, find a nice nurse!
Everything Mom Needs at the Hospital
Clothing Items
- 1-2 actual outfits. In most cases you will be released in 24-48 hours after giving birth to a healthy baby. The majority of your stay you will likely be in labor and will want to be in a gown or nothing at all. Should you need extra clothing someone in your support group will be happy to go get some clothing. (If you are a long ways from home, you may want to consider packing extra outfits, just in case.)
- 1-2 gowns. Anna and I highly recommend two gowns, one to labor in and one for after labor. A few things to keep in mind when selecting gowns are- comfort, nursing accessibility (if planning to breastfeed), and know that they will get messy (so nothing super expensive or fancy).
I delivered in a hospital gown but brought my own for postpartum. Looking back I wish I would’ve brought two cheap throw away gowns for labor too. Hospital gowns are annoying. I say two because I needed a change during labor due to some, we’ll just say “labor fluids”. Make sure you get one that has easy access for nursing, and for any medical intervention should it arise.
- Super comfortable nursing bras. This is a must! If this is your first baby you likely have no idea what an actual comfy nursing bra means. Let me help you- super soft, yet supportive. I would definably recommend anything by Mom Cozy brand! So far they are the best I have found. (The jelly strip support is my favorite- click here to check it out!)
- Cozy socks.
Comfort Measures
- Your own pillow and/or blanket. This is super nice to have but the hospital will provide you with as many pillows and blankets as you need. If you decide to bring your own just know that they may get messy.
- Pain management. We will talk more about this in a coming post but you will want anything that will help keep you comfortable in labor. Anything to manage pain in a natural and even some medicated birth situations is great to have on hand. Some ideas: tennis balls for counter pressure, a labor comb, birthing ball, heating pad etc.
- Comfort items. Things to keep you comfortable throughout labor and beyond! Essential oils (and diffuser!) a candle, a speaker for music, a small fan, lights, etc.
Toiletries/Postpartum Care
- Deodorant, shampoo, body wash, toothbrush, makeup. All the things you would use on the daily. One of us may have forgotten a hairbrush and probably did not use one for the first week of motherhood (Tori).
- Postpartum care. The hospital will provide a lot of this for you but if there is any specific brand you want or special items you will want to bring that yourself. Some items we found helpful during the postpartum period were: adult diapers (STYLISH!), ice pads, nipple ointment, perineum itch spray, breast pads, ice/heat pads for breasts, silverettes, etc. (Click here for my favorite postpartum care set!)
1. Food. Most hospitals follow the no eating in labor policy. You may want to bring a little something to eat during labor, and comfort foods after the fact. Protein drinks may help you keep your strength and energy up during labor.
Some hospitals say you can’t eat during labor (I say do what you want). You can bring protein shakes to help give you energy for birth and still abide by liquids only policy. Do your research on the risks and make your own decision on this one though.
2. Chapstick. For some reason that dry hospital air, combined with all the heavy breathing makes your lips absolutely parched! Bring some good quality chapstick.
3. Thank you cards. I wish I would have done this! You may not feel like writing a card and that is completely okay! However, if you do and certain members of staff made you feel like a QUEEN, you may wish you had some on hand to express your thanks.
Everything Your Support Person Needs at the Hospital
Your support person is a HUGE part of a great birth experience! You will want to make sure they have a list of what they will need during this time to make sure you and baby are safe and cozy.
- 1-2 outfits.
- IF you are planning a water birth they will need clothing that is specifically for this.
- Toiletry items.
- Snacks/drinks.
- A copy of the birth plan or wishes. It is very important for the person doing labor with you to know your wants and wishes concerning birth. You will likely not be able to fully communicate with staff very well. Unfortunately, this leads many women into birth experiences that they never wanted. Make sure your husband or whoever is supporting you knows how to advocate for you and your baby! (For this reason we highly recommend making sure your support person is included in any birth classes or education you choose to take.)
Everything Your Baby Needs at the Hospital
- Two newborn outfits/ one premie outfit, and one 0-3 month outfit.
- Socks.
- Swaddles.
- Diapers and wipes. The hospital will provide this but if you are wanting a specific brand you will want to bring your own.
- Bottle/formula. If you are not planning to breastfeed you will need to bring your own formula and bottle. The hospital will have some on hand if you need it. I suggest doing lots of research on formula. Do not just go with what is recommended!
- Swaddles. The hospital will provide plenty of swaddles, but let’s be honest- there are definitely cuter/cozier ones out there!
- Pacifier. The hospital will give you one on request but if you have a specific brand or type you are wanting to use make sure to bring that.
- Car seat. Make sure you bring the car seat if you want to take the baby home!
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Other Things to Consider
1. Two phone chargers or a battery pack. Having two separate chargers for you and your support person is a great idea!
2. Photo props/outfits. If you are wanting those cute hospital/fresh 48 pics then do not forget to grab the gear!
3. Your birth plan. This is the most important part of having a positive natural birth experience. Make sure you have a written guide of care for the hospital staff. If your nurses and doctors were as amazing as ours they will do their best to support the plan! You just need to make sure it is available to them. As stated before- make sure your support person is also clued in on the plan!
What the Hospital Will Provide for You
This list may be more specific to *your* hospital but it is definitely worth looking into what is provided by the hospital. You will likely still be paying for it as part of your bill but it is nice knowing what is available to ask for should you need it. Here is everything our hospitals provided during our stay…
- Diapers and wipes for baby.
- Paci (on request)
- Formula
- Food/vending stations
- Water in a HUGE cup with a straw
- Diapers/maxi pads for mom
- Perineum itch spray
- Ice pads
- Heating pad
- Tuck’s witch hazel pads
- Popsicles
- Ice (nice during labor)
- Baby blankets/swaddles
- Baby bed
- Baby bath supplies
- Gown (highly recommend bringing your own- it is more comfortable)
- Pillows/blankets
- Socks
- Hand pump
- Nipple ointment
- Mesh underwear
- Birthing ball/peanut ball
We hope this has been a helpful guide on your birth journey! Do not forget to add these items to your registry if appropriate.