Do you have a Bible? Can you read it? Do you understand the words you are reading? These questions seem silly if you have grown up in the United States. We would answer, “Yes, I have a Bible. Of course, I can read. Yes, I know most of the words and their meanings.” However, these questions are common to ask here in Ghana. We are often approached by people begging for a whole Bible. Many could not read one if they had it: because of poverty their schooling was sporadic at best. Some have never even had the opportunity to go to school.
English is the required language in school, but it is their second language. Many learn to read (some finish school and still struggle), but they often don’t understand what they are reading. While Fante is their heart language, the only Bible in Fante has many mistakes. While a committee has been formed to give these people an accurate translation, most cannot read in their own language so they will have to rely on the few who can read Fante to hear the Word of God in their language.
I am saddened to realize that many here depend on pastors, who are not even saved themselves, to learn what God’s Word says.Unless they are reached by a born-again Christian who tells them the gospel, they will die believing false doctrine. Even when I witness, they are believing my word as I read the Bible and explain it to them. They cannot go search the scriptures as the Bereans did. To grow spiritually they will have to depend on the teaching of others.
So, I ask again…Do you have a Bible? Do you take the time to read it? Do you study it for yourself? Have you ever thanked the Lord for the privilege to have a good education?
You can read. You can look up words that you don’t understand. You have the ability to “study to show thyself approved unto God”.
Maybe you -like me at times- have taken these things for granted. I hope to challenge you to find a new appreciation for the Word of God. Read it. Study it. Love it. The Bible has the words of life; you don’t need a helper to learn more about God and His will. Why do you wait? Go get started right now!!
Written by Angela Ruckman