Spring cleaning tips and my strategy as a busy mom of two littles! As a full time homemaker and mama it can be difficult to fully accomplish any tasks, much less spring cleaning. Get my strategy in this post….

Adjusting Spring Cleaning Expectations as a Mom of Littles
One specific area I would like to address is adjusting your expectations. I often find as a mom of a two and one year old that my expectations can easily be set too high. What do I mean by this when it comes to deep cleaning?
Sometimes I have set the bar too high, thinking I can achieve massive amounts of tasks in a day. I completely forget to calculate needs, wants, and the “interruption” of my little people. At the end of the day I feel discouraged, left with a long to do list with maybe two things marked off.
The truth is some days are just like this. However, I have learned that if I make my expectations reasonable I am likely to achieve more and avoid discouragement!
Everyone’s expectations of themselves is different because we are all in different seasons of motherhood. Since this is the case, only you know what is reasonable for you right now. I’m not here to tell you that you are doing too much or too little or even what you need to do.

Doing Things As Needed Throughout the Year
This strategy has completely changed how my spring cleaning works with little people under foot! The basic idea- do what needs doing right away.
This means we do not wait until a set “spring cleaning” to scrub walls if they are dirty. We do it right away. If the cabinet needs re-organized we do it asap.
I realize that some tasks cannot be accomplished right away. That is why I like to keep a running list (in my head or on paper) of what I notice and try to get to it sometime throughout the week. This strategy makes the deep cleaning days way easier because all the tasks have not had time to pile up!
Safe Spring Cleaning Products
One of my top favorite cleaning tips for moms of little is to let them help you! This is way easier when you know the cleaning products you are using in your home are completely safe and chemical free. Using toxic cleaners around newborns or allowing toddlers to “help” spray them is dangerous.
Read this post about my favorite safe cleaning supplies and homemade recipes!

It has never been easier, or more affordable to source safe cleaning products! I trust Thrive Market with all my homemade cleaning ingredients as well as quality cleaning products from clean label brands. Our family has been using Thrive to source cleaning supplies, snacks, pantry staples, and so much more for over two years. You can check them out and get up to $60 in FREE groceries!
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Tips for Spring Cleaning with Small Children
1. Set reasonable expectations.
I already discussed this because I think it is so important as a mom of toddlers. Make sure your expectations of what you can get done in a day is actually attainable in your season. If you are pregnant, nursing, or have a newborn this is especially for you! Those seasons are hard when it comes to doing all the things. Allow yourself some grace. Know that eventually the season will pass and you can get everything back in shape.
2. Monopolize nap time.
If all or even some of your kids still nap you have a huge advantage! Arrange it so that harder tasks are done when children are sleeping. This could be during a nap or after bedtime. You will be amazed what you can accomplish in a two hour time slot when you set your mind to it!
3. Let them help with spring cleaning!
If there is anything toddlers love more than “helping” and being involved please let me know! The best way for me to be productive with kids around is to enlist their help. (This “help” is usually not help by the way!) Let them wipe their toys down with disinfectant wipes or a wet rag. My toddler loves wiping down cabinets and it actually is helpful! Create a little cleaning caddy just for them with a small hand broom, cleaning rags, spray bottles, etc.
4. Spread it out.
Don’t try to do a deep clean in one day. Spread things out over a week, two, or even a month depending on what life is throwing at you right now. I am personally taking about two weeks to accomplish “spring cleaning” tasks. I’m about 30 weeks pregnant, have a one year old and a two year old, and I don’t have the energy to get all these things done in one day or even a week. (This goes back to reasonable expectations!)
5. Activities or special snacks.
Plan activities (that do not involve your participation) or bring out new toys when you need to accomplish a task. Some of my favorites are coloring books, stickers, offer a special snack, etc.
6. Independent play time.
If you have the ability to set up a safe play area for your toddlers to play while you work this helps a lot! I have found with two toddlers they may need separated so I don’t have to break up constant fights. However you have to do it you can likely figure out a solution that involves play time away from you so you can get a couple things done!
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