Happy New Year! This is one of my favorite times of the year. A time to review, set aside all the past, and look forward to the future. It gives me a new vigor and zest for life!
Although nothing truly changes except the calendar year, I love setting new goals. Even if the goals are never reached it gives me such inspiration knowing what direction I’m headed. Having goals keeps me on track and going in that direction.
As a homemaker and stay at home mom of two (soon to be three) under three goals essential to my calling. Without goals, projects, and plans I could easily fall into the negative mentality that women “loose themselves” in motherhood and that staying home with your children is far from aspirational. This is false!
Keeping myself creative and learning new skills, reaching for goals, and achieving new heights as a homemaker and mama is far from boring.
This list of past and present goals I hope will help you find some inspiration for a few homemaker goals of your own this year. Let’s fill the comments with even more! What are your goals this year as a homemaker?
1. Saving Money; being more resourceful.
I think this is every good homemaker’s goal, whether they are being intentional with it or not. As stay at home moms and wives we know that we do not add much monetary value in what we earn but in what we save! The cost of childcare, cleaning, etc., all add up to make us worth more than we would be monetarily in the workforce. However, are we intentional with our daily decisions to save and be resourceful? If not, this might be a good goal for you to try to achieve this year!
2. Wasting less; being more frugal.
Along with saving money you, like me, might find “wasting less” on your goal list this year. I used to be really good at this but two young children later, I often find myself more likely to throw those leftovers away or just buy a new “one” (whatever it may be). As part of my goal to waste less I will be sharing lots of zero waste recipes and tips this year that you will not want to miss so make sure you are on our email list!
3. Cooking From Scratch More.
This also could fit in the “saving money” category as well as a great health goal! As a homemaker you probably already find yourself cooking from scratch quite often, if not the majority of the time. Perhaps you have found yourself in a slump with it all- making the same meals, being bored or uninterested in cooking, or using more boxed, processed foods. We all get there! Let the New Year rekindle your desire to find new inspiration in your kitchen again. Be sure to stick around here on the blog for more from scratch recipes and be on the lookout for our new printable meal plans coming this year!
Read this post about Everything You Need to Know About Starting a From Scratch Kitchen.
4. Bread Making.
This is your year! If you have had your eye on sourdough for the past couple years but have not had courage to try let this be your year. This goal is great if you are looking to save your family money this year with from scratch bread, plus it ads a new skill to your homemaker toolbox. You do not need much to start- just a jar, unbleached flour, and water. (Get my recipe for a from scratch sourdough starter with simple, day-by-day instructions here!)
If you are looking to learn this skill go grab a copy of my mini e-book, The Beginner’s Guide to Simple Sourdough, to learn all about how to make and maintain a starter without all the hassle and stress. My method was designed for busy homemakers and mamas who want to learn the art but do not have time or energy to do it! This guide cuts through all the nitty gritty, sciency information and gets you started simply.
5. Reading more.
If I am being honest this has landed on my New Year goal list for probably five years in a row, and I am not getting any closer to achieving the goal! I often find myself so busy, caught up in the daily grind that I do not make the time to read like I should. Reading my Bible daily is about the extent of my achievement (if that somedays!). I have found the past couple years that if I set a very reachable goal in this area I’m far more likely to achieve it. It may sound laughable but my goal this year is one book a quarter. That will be four more books than I probably would have read without having this goal!
Great Reads for Homemakers to Add to Your List This Year!
- The Life-Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson
- The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaffer
- A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George
6. Growing your own food.
This is a great goal no matter where you live or what season of life you are in. You don’t need acres of property and hours of time to go a tomato plant on your back patio. You can even grow an amazing herb garden from your apartment balcony! Whatever your capacity in this season try growing something. This also aligns with the goals of cooking from scratch more and saving money!
You can learn how to preserve your harvest in this post!
7. Enjoy the Sunshine.
As homemakers it is easy for us to get so busy inside that we forget to take time outside. Time in nature and vitamin D from the sun are proven to boost our immune systems, moods, and provide nutrients to our bodies. We need that time outside as homemakers for refresh our energy and keep us healthy!
One of my favorite goals for enjoying the sun and getting outside is the 1,000 Hours Outside Challenge. There are a lot of different ways to break it down but the basic idea is to spend 1,000 hours outdoors in a year. This averages to around 2.5-3 hours daily. Since I have very young children who LOVE to be outside and outside (as long as the weather isn’t cold!) is my most happy place this is a very achievable goal! I would say in the summer months we probably average around 4–5 hours outside per day.
Maybe this sounds like a lot for you in your current season. You may want to just try spending 30 minutes or one hour outside daily this year. Whatever the goal I highly encourage you to set aside some time to enjoy the fresh air! It is a true game changer!
8. Prioritize your health.
A sick, low energy you means a messy house, less food from scratch, and wasting a lot more. It took me a while to realize this but being a better homemaker is not about spinning my wheels trying to get all the things done while my health goes down the drain. The old saying, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.” is very true especially in the area of homemaking and motherhood. That is why taking care of my body, getting my rest, and eating well are some of the top priorities when it comes to personal goals. Having low energy levels is not just a symptom of motherhood. Being cranky 24/7 is not a homemaker right of passage. These and other things are indicators of health issues, rest issues, and/or dietary issues. A few great ways to do this…
- Prioritize your gut health! Did you know that the majority of your immune system lives in the gut? By making a few simple changes such as adding a quality probiotic you can be sick less and have more energy to complete your goals this year!
- Eliminate toxins and hormone disruptors. This may sound complicated but it really is as simple as swapping out bad products with good ones. Start simple with the things you use every day- hairspray, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. and make better choices. You do not have to break the bank by doing it all at once. Just pick a few things and as you start to need them buy the best version you can afford!
- Move your body every day! It does not have to be hard, involved exercises, daily trips to the gym, or hours of workout programs. Just make it your goal to do something and start somewhere!
This year make your health a priority. If not for you do it for your family! They’ll thank you later!
9. Support Small Business More
This is a big homemaker downfall of mine. When I need something I often find the quickest, cheapest way to get the thing before I forget and then move on with my day. Often this looks like a quick trip on my phone to amazon or Walmart and we call it done. This has its place in the homemaking world for sure but I am also looking to be more intentional with my spending this year. This includes shopping from small businesses whenever possible.
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